Sticking to your budget is one of the most crucial aspects of planning an event. You can simply ignore how fast costs add up, particularly when it comes to food. You possibly don’t want to look cheap with your choice of food. Finding a good medium can be hard.

Inexpensive Food Doesn’t Have to Look Cheap

Here are some inexpensive food ideas that don’t look cheap, will keep your guests delighted, and satisfied:

1. Do Not Serve a Main Course Meal

If you are not hosting a Christmas dinner, Thanksgiving, or a dinner party, you don’t have to serve the main course. You can easily skip it. You can plan parties in between meals, i.e. between 3 pm and 5 pm. This is simple for kids’ parties because they just look forward to the cake. You don’t have to feed the kids costly or even cheap snacks. It will waste your time and does not achieve much. They are generally very excited to sit down and have a full meal. For adult parties, like a bridal or baby shower, you will require more than sweets. But make sure not to fix your party during meal time.

2. Ask People to Bring Something

This works amazingly for bridal and baby showers. People are excited to help, particularly the family. You will receive more food than you require and a good variety. Ask every good friend or family member for bringing either an appetizer or a dessert. Otherwise, if you think you have received one of these categories already, ask for the other. This is an ideal solution for holiday events also. People generally ask what they can bring. So, let them assist you.

3. Serve Appetizers and Desserts Only

Be fancy and ask your caterer to make tasty appetizers and present them beautifully and they will be ideal choices for your party. Select appetizers that are inexpensive and easy to make. Stay away from a cheese dish. It can be costly. Chips, veggie fries, sandwiches, tea, coffee, etc. are always famous yet inexpensive choices. Focus on presentation. Guests will choose items according to their eye-appeal. Hence, take some time and discuss with your caterer to serve your food pleasingly.

4. Ask Your Caterer to Make a Large Self-Serve Salad

Salads are inexpensive, healthy and can be presented beautifully. They can be prepared in bulk and can be served elegantly in small individual plates or cups.

5. Stay Away From Costly Beverages

You can invest way more than you require in some soda cans. But it’s not worth it. Kids don’t require it and adults should stay away from sodas more than kids. You can still get some large bottles and have people pour their own. They will have according to their capacity. For the kids’ party, you can make a party punch and serve lemonade or plain water. Alcohol will cost you more. If you want an adult drink but have a limited budget, make sangria. Mix a bottle of fruit juice and wine and infuse some cut up fruits like apples and oranges into it. It’s inexpensive and beautiful.


Follow the these inexpensive food ideas for your kids or adult parties to leave your spare change in your pocket.