Good nutrition is important for health, especially when the immune system requires a boost. Restricted access to fresh foods may lower chances to continue eating a varied and healthy diet. It can also increase the consumption of extremely processed foods, high in salt, sugar, and fat. However, with limited and few ingredients, you can eat a diet that promotes good health. To support people in staying physically healthy and active while at home, the WHO has created some healthy eating tips during the Coronavirus disease outbreak. Here are a few examples:
1. Eat Green Veggies
Ensure to get the appropriate amount of nutrition by eating green leafy veggies. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, there might be a limitation of veggies. Don’t panic and purchase lots of products in bulk as it will cause food wastage.
2. Drink Sufficient Water
Drink at least 7-9 glasses of water daily as water transports compounds and nutrients in the blood, reduces waste, regulates body temperature, and greases and protects joints.
3. Eat Home-Cooked Meals Only
Spending lots of time at home gives you chances of making recipes that you didn’t have time earlier to make. You can find them online. Experiment with the items you can have.
4. Abstain From Sugary Drinks
Round-the-clock access to the refrigerator must not cause an increased intake of soft drinks. Keep a record of alcohol intake also. Don’t drink excessively.
5. Buy Healthy Snacks
Healthy meals are essential, but you should have healthy snacks also. Instead of salty and sugary snacks, purchase healthy dry fruits, nuts, eggs, yogurt, cheese, and other accessible choices. These healthy snacks will help you make a healthy eating habit.
6. Limit Salt and Sugar Consumptions
While cooking food, restrict the amount of high-sodium ingredients like fish sauce and soy sauce, and salt. Restrict your regular salt consumption to approx 1 teaspoon and utilize iodized salt. Likewise, restrict sugar consumption and select fresh fruits rather than chocolates, cookies, and sweets.
7. Restrict Processed Foods
Fresh fruits and veggies may not be available always when you take fewer visits to shops. Remember that processed foods are cost-effective but not healthy. Sweets, packaged snacks, and ready meals are high in saturated fats, salt, and added sugar. This can lead to other ailments that you cannot afford during this pandemic. When you buy processed foods, ensure they comprise of less of these substances.
8. Have Meals on Time
You can easily lose track of time if you are busy finishing works from a to-do list. But remember that you should fill your belly for staying active. Eating right is not sufficient. You should also eat timely. Having dinner at 11 PM and taking rest for the day is not a good way to digest foods.
Closing Thoughts
Food hygiene is necessitous while dealing with food for preventing any food-borne ailment. Follow the aforesaid healthy eating tips during the Coronavirus disease outbreak. Remove all packaged foods and wash your hands with water and soap before eating any food.